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Glossary of Skating Terminology

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Factored place: The product a a skaters place in a given part of an event and the weighting factor for that part of the event.

Falling leaf jump: A normal rotation edge jump (a half jump) that takes off from a back outside edge, and lands on the forward toe of the opposite foot followed by a step to a forward edge of the takeoff foot.

Figures: A discipline of skating in which skaters perform designated maneuvers that produce geometric patterns on the ice.

Figure eight: Any compulsory figure without turns consisting of two circles side-by-side, touching at one point.

Final round: (1) The final dance or group of dances skated in a dance competition.

(2) The group of performances skated by competitors who have advanced from an elimination round.

Flats: Places along the trace of a compulsory figure where both edges of the blade were in contact with the ice.

Flip jump: A normal rotation tap jump. The skater takes off from a back inside edge, taps with the opposite foot, and lands on the back outside edge of the tapping foot. In a half-flip the skater lands on the forward inside edge of the same foot and steps immediately onto a forward edge of the opposite foot.

Flip-down: See flip-out.

Flip lift: An armpit lift in which the partners face the same direction at the takeoff and the lifted partner takes off from a back inside edge (i.e., from the takeoff edge of a flip jump).

Flip-out: A dismount from a lift in which the lifted partner does a somersault or similar movement in the transition from the air position of the lift to the landing position of the lift.

Flow: Uniformity of the speed of motion and smooth continuity in changes of motion without abrupt changes in motion.

Flutz: (informal)  A jump with a Lutz entry that takes of on the wrong edge.

In this case the skater intends to execute a Lutz jump, beginning the entry an a back outside edge, but just prior to the takeoff changes edge from the outside to the inside edge of the skating foot.

Flying spin: Spins initiated with a jumping motion and the skater's feet leave the ice.

Free dance: An ice dance whose content is relatively unrestricted, and which forms the final, or entire, part of some dance events.

Free foot: The skater's foot not in contact with the ice.

Free leg: The skater's leg whose foot is not in contact with the ice.

Free skating program: A program in singles, pairs, fours, or synchronized team, whose content is relatively unrestricted, and which forms the second, or entire, part of those events.

Footwork: Connecting moves consisting of steps, turns, hops, and half jumps.

Forbidden move: Any move whose use is not permitted in a competitive event.

Forward Biellmann spin: An upright spin in which the free leg is extended forwards and upwards, while held at the ankle or calf, forming a forward vertical split.

Forward edge: An edge on which the skater is moving in a forwards (toes first) direction).

Forward lasso overhead lift: An overhead lift. The partners skate facing each other, with the lifting partner skating backwards. They clasp hands using the lasso grip and the lifted partner is raised over the lifting partner's head, rotating one-half turn around towards the back of the lifting partner so that both partners then face in the same direction. In the air, the lifted partner maintains a position similar to that used in the press lift with an arched back with the legs extended back and split in a "V" position, supported by the lifting partner's hands. Variations include releasing the grip of one hand in the air or setting down the lifted partner using one arm. See also forward one hand lasso lift, and hand-to-hand lasso lift.

Forward one hand (arm) lasso lift: A variation of the forwards lasso overhead lift in which the lifting partner uses only one arm to raise the lifted partner. The lifted partner may grip the lifted partner's hand with one or both hands, with the use one hand by the lifted partner being the more difficult position.

Fours: A discipline of skating in which four skaters (two men and two women) together perform maneuvers on the ice in programs choreographed to accompanying music.

Four lift: A lift which involves the participation of all four members of a fours team.

Fully rotated a jump:  A jump that completes all expected rotations in the air, either an integer number or an integer number and one-half.  In reality, fully rotated jumps typically have about one-eight less rotation than the nominal value.  Missing rotations are then the number of rotations less than that reduced number.

Copyright 2020 by George S. Rossano